4 years ago, Prof Tamburino from Catania asked CERC to coordinate the SCOPE II study that he had initiated thanks to a grant from Symetis/Boston Scientific. We gladly agreed to conduct this trial: CERC was created with the express purpose of running trials likely to improve patient outcomes and SCOPE II clearly belongs to that kind of trial.
SCOPE II was designed as a randomized trial of the Symetis ACURATE neoTM valve versus Medtronic CoreValve Evolut R and Evolut Pro. 796 patients were enrolled in 23 sites across Europe between April 2017 and April 2019 and were followed-up at 30 days and at 1-year post-procedure. Yesterday was an important day for SCOPE II trial as the last patient visit was completed!
The study primary-end point results will be available by end of this year, and we at CERC are proud to run rigorous trials answering critical questions for patients and physicians. Know more about SCOPE II