Recent studies have proven the benefit of single stenting in the treatment of bifurcation lesions. However, the debate is still ongoing about the added value of SB interventions in the setting of a provisional stenting approach when conducted according to European Bifurcation Club (EBC) recommendations, namely with systematic use of proximal optimization technique (POT) in order to adjust stent deployment to the two diameters of the main vessel as established by the fractal nature of coronary tree. Studies evaluating the potential benefit of kissing balloon have been conducted before the systematic use of POT.
In the treatment of bifurcation lesions, the KISS (Keep sIngle Stenting Simple) study will evaluate the non-inferiority of no side branch (SB) intervention versus side branch ballooning (with or without kissing balloon inflation), in the setting of single stenting with systematic proximal optimization technique (POT). Patients will be randomized after main vessel stenting and POT if the SB is patent with a normal flow and no signs of ischemia.
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